Dana and Josephine Haswell were married 65 yrs ago today in Detroit on a windy day. They were engaged on Valentine's Day just prior. Married 9 yrs before I came along, I guess they probably had a lot of fun before then. My brother Dana was born 20 mos after me and we were the psychological prototype for father/mother/daughter/son with lots of sibling rivalry, me and dad pairing up against mom and bro and then alemende (sp?) left and alemende? right, and dosie doe and swing your partners round and...well, hard to fill in the DASH, as in that dash that goes between the birth and death years on your obituaries or gravestones, etc. So, the folks were married 65 yrs ago and then 22 yrs ago Pa was eulogized and planted then 15 yrs ago Ma the same. It's just about a mile and a half to visit their gravesites with the trailing roses on their bronze flat marker, a built-in hole of a vase there for only fresh flowers. I'm going to get up later on and buy 'em some pretty flowers and talk my husband into having a quick little visit and muffin-eating picnic and maybe just a real quick waltz over their resting place. I snuck a little origami folded paper box with some of my brother's ashes there under the sod on his 1st birthday after he died so they'd all be together in some essence. So many Saturday nights when we were young we'd listen to the Grand Ol' Opry or Lawrence Welk and the 4 of us would dance in the kitchen. Happy Anniversary, Mother and Father. I'm glad you hung in there together. Maybe it wasn't until you were both buried on your anniversary 7 yrs apart that I truly realized you were meant to be together all along. That old "hindsight" ... if only we could get the wisdom of hindsight by way of foresight more often than not. I'll be thinking of you as dancing.
(Funny how the title and photo have not one thing to do with the subject, eh? Gotcha!)
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