I saw a virtual pet hamster on a blog friend's site so, of course, I just had to go and adopt this bunny. I named her after my last pet bunny, Powder, who was such a little sweetheart. See if you can get her to eat her carrot (if you can get the carrot--tight space, don't seem to be able to move over) and get her to jump around and lie down. It could be that it doesn't take much to amuse me, but it was fun and a diversion from all the "stuff" going on in the world that just "ain't so fun" ... so enjoy your weekends, Bloggie Souls, and know that your SisSTAR is sending you great and wonderful blessings and love ... and HUMOR! from deep down in her Soul ;oD
Maybe you could go adopt your own virtual pet!? KLH-keep laughin' honey xo
SisStar Kylita,
I read your comments on my recent post..thank you from the bottom of my heart..it means a lot to me.
Also wanted to let you know I checked that Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush song "Don't give up" on your blog friends site. I love Kate Bush and have all of her music from the beginning. A lot of her songs (including this one) are on a lot of my youtube list of fav videos on my account there. I also have this wonderful song from a Peter Gabriel CD I have..I'm so glad to know you and others love it too!
I tell you at times I sincerely believe there are "No Coincidences" in this life as this video and song is one of my all time favorites! I could watch it forever. Sigh...Kate is so "Evolved" and has always been ahead of her time..and she is very spiritual too.
Thank you for taking the time to be so kind and loving. It will not be forgotten.
You take care my dear sister friend..
Oh, I had a fish on my blog a few years back..love the bunny! We Rabbits are interesting people. Aren't we?
With Love and Blessings,
Powder is fun to feed and play with. I have mine too in my blog. Got the link from a friend's blog too.
Mine is a hamster I named Buddy, after our first hamster we bought to accompany a lone hamster given by Sonny's school friend.
He was the best hamster who loved to be touched, the first day we had him. He fathered a few litters which eventually ballooned-up in population to a staggering 57 inhabitants we called HamsterVille in our service balcony.
We had to give many up for adoption and kept the old ones still since they already were familiar with us and was just hard to part with.
Many have lived their lives happily, we hoped, up to their lifespan of 3 years or so. Each time they died, was a heartbreaking time for all three of us... no matter how numerous times we had gone through it. It was always sad.
Now we are left with two hammies... no longer HamsterVille, with the recent death of Nibbie, one of the most tamed and big eaters.
It still breaks our heart to see his lifeless body in his favourite sandbox where usual he liked to sleep and kept his snacks in bed.
At least, with this virtual pet, you don't have to go through the pain of loss yet still have fun with it accompanied with the fond memories of the real ones we had before.
Happy weekend! Have a great day.
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