SisSTARS for PEACE ... Proud to be for Peace and Love...War is Not an Answer!
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them--that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." -Lao-Tse
"The fates lead him who will--him who won't, they drag." -Seneca

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome SisSTAR Jan

This is my SisSTAR Jan and I am her out-law SisSTAR (some of us are "innies" and some are "outties" right?) I just sent her my blog with a big trusting heart knowing there might be some things I've posted here that she won't care for, but I'm hoping the majority of which she will enjoy reading. She has just started emailing me and it has made me very happy, so I wanted to invite her to share my web log so she, too, can "Keep Laughin' Honey" like you other bloggie souls out there. She is a really fun person and the best cook ever! I had to put a moratorium on my visits to her house because I already am as big as a barn! (Can't we just order pizza sometime? huh?) Anyway, just wanted to say "welcome" and I hope you find some stuff to be entertained by ... and some things that might make you laugh or cry and to know that I love you. Thanks for being a good sister to my wonderful husband, Jeffrey!
Have an awesome Sweetest Day, everyone!
Sending you my love and best wishes,
SisSTAR Kylita xoxoxo


Muhd Imran said...

That is indeed a good start.

Hope that Jan will take it well and the rapport between the two of you gets closer and much sweeter.

jeff said...

Knowing Janet the way I think I know her she will enjoy your blog.
She has to remember to keep an open mind, the world is made up of many ideas. It would be boring if we were all the same.
Am I right, or am I just right!!