It's Friday! Yeah!! and I have finagled a day off by working extra last night, so I am going to enjoy this beautiful 70 degree day in SE Michigan, already saw 3 deer munching on vegetation in the "back 2" and plan on going to make waffles and eggs for breakfast and then ... hmmmm!? who knows what I can come up with. I will spend some fun time with Jeff and Tuffy Boy (he says hello ^;^ prrrrrrrrrr) Any of you "reading me" out there, please do yourselves a favor and have the best day possible, and a weekend that gives you fond memories. Love yourselves and each other and *poof!* here's a kiss blown out there to you!
KLH - Keep Laughin' Honey xoxoxo
thanks for the great day
always love
Hi, hope you have great weekend :D
Thanks for the snail tip, beartraps is supposed to work to some degree. But the only thing that really works is a flashlight and a pair of scissors... (kill-kill.. :D )
beer, not bear LOL
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