SisSTARS for PEACE ... Proud to be for Peace and Love...War is Not an Answer!
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them--that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." -Lao-Tse
"The fates lead him who will--him who won't, they drag." -Seneca

Monday, January 18, 2010

I have a dream, too

I dream someday all sentient beings will be wanted and loved and sheltered and rescued and nourished ... as they nourish me.
Thank you, little Tuffy Boy......Mama loves you!
KLH - Keep Laughin' Honey!


Rhiannon said...

Ah sweet tuffy "wuffy"...cute adorable pics of him!

I love my Lizzie so much too. She's been getting a bit jealous and feeling she's not getting enough attention of late so my BF is working on petting her and letting her get to know him. He also cut her nails for me while I held her and told her it was okay. Been taking her to the vets to always have her nails trimmed, as no one else "there" to help me do it. Couldn't hold her and tell her everything was okay while trying to trim her nails also! But "P" wasn't afraid and did a great job! Horray didn't have to pay to do that for the first time in years.

well, let's hope the year of the tiger is a bit more "wild and Free" for both of us..I"m counting on it!

Love Sistar Rhi

Dancin Fool said...

Blimey bud he is magnificent! Very regal looking!

Please give him a tickle from me.