SisSTARS for PEACE ... Proud to be for Peace and Love...War is Not an Answer!
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them--that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." -Lao-Tse
"The fates lead him who will--him who won't, they drag." -Seneca

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Poem for Jane

(Photo by Jane E. Smeltzer)
To my friend Jane and her family. Today is their mother, Dorothy's, funeral up north and I sure would like to have been there.
I reprint this poem I wrote for a friend's mother a long time ago.
Dorothy died May 24th, during the New Moon.
My family members had died during Full Moons and it presented me with the feelings to write this one down.
To Honor Dorothy Smeltzer:
Moon phases
Keep paces
Reflections of the Light
Dance to the beat
of the One Heart
Celebrate the feat
of Living
New Moon to Full
Hard to resist the pull
When the Light is
so bright
And the Soul will
by the Call of
the Tide.


Lily said...

how sweet of you!

Rhiannon said...

Your poem is so lovely..are you still writing them? The full moon in relation with timing and the new moon with others passing..very moon "New beginning and changes" (and boy I can testify to that it is so true each time)and full moon a bit more dramatic, strange moods and such with vibrations and such..

Sorry about their passing..nice of you to dedicate this blog post for Jane..I'm sure she greatly appreciate you doing this for her.